Curriculum » Curriculum


Curriculum Overview

Tindley Genesis Academy is committed to providing our students with a high-quality education that aligns with Indiana State Standards. Our curriculum is designed to not only meet the depth of these standards but also foster a deeper conceptual understanding of subjects like math, encourage rich classroom discussions, and promote productive struggle by engaging students in rigorous and meaningful learning experiences.
For our scholars, we use McGraw Hill Wonders for English Language Arts, a comprehensive program that supports literacy development through evidence-based instruction. In math, we utilize Reveal Math, which helps students build strong conceptual knowledge and develop critical problem-solving skills.
In 6th grade, our English Language Arts curriculum is based on StudySync, a dynamic program that integrates literature and media to enhance reading and writing skills.
For other subject areas, we draw on a variety of carefully selected research-based resources to ensure that we meet the diverse learning needs of all our students while maintaining a cohesive and structured approach to instruction.