Parents » Grievance Policy

Grievance Policy

The Tindley Grievance Policy is used to address customer complaints from all external customers, including parents, stakeholders, community members and vendors. A Grievance can be submitted through the Tindley mobile app, website or through paper submittal. The Grievance Coordinator is in charge of coordinating all grievances and coordinating an appropriate response on all submissions.
A grievance form must be completed and submitted by the customer for a response to be received from administration.
The form ask you for a preferred method of contact (email, mail, or mobile app, in-person mtg.).
Step 1 – Grievance Submittal
Once a grievance from is received the Grievance Coordinator will acknowledge the receipt of the grievance with 24 business hours with a written or electronic response informing the petitioner of the process and when a final written or electronic response will be should be expected. All grievances complaints will be resolved, if possible, with written communication within 7 to 10 business days of the initial acknowledgement.
Step 2 – Building Leader Feedback
The Grievance Coordinator will inform the specific building leader of the nature of the complaint and establish a deadline for response. The building leader is responsible for following up with the appropriate party(s) and responding to the Grievance Coordinator with written comments on the complaint.
Step 3 – Written/Electronic Response
Once the building leaders’ response is received the Grievance Coordinator will provide a written response to the customer.
Step 4 – In-Person mtg. Response
Once written comments are received from the building leader the Grievance Coordinator will schedule an in-person meeting with the customer, CFO and building leader. Next the Grievance Coordinator will prepare a final response based on the building leaders initial input and the results on the in-person meeting.
Step 5 – In-Person mtg. Request after Written Response Giving
If a customer requests an in-person meeting after the initial written response is sent by the Grievance Coordinator, Step 4 procedures are followed until resolution.
Please download the form here, then upload your completed form below.
You will need Adobe Reader to fill out this form. If you do not have this program, please download it here.